Fuwai Hospital has trained a large number of qualified cardiovascular professionals inChina based on the concept of “Broad View of Talents”. It has become a cradleof talents in the field of the prevention and treatment of cardiovasculardiseases in China.
The National EducationPlatform and Teaching Recources
Fuwai Hospital has constantly targeted to be the elitehospital in the industry, committing to the training of national-level expertsand high-level professionals in the field of cardiovascular diseases. There 2disciplinary categories: science and medicine. By the end of 2015, the hospitalhas set up: 7 key subjects of institution of higher evaluated by Ministry of Education; 7 first-class doctor's degreeauthorization centers; 2 first-class national key disciplines, i.e., biologyand pharmacy; 4 second-class national key disciplines; 1 second-class keydiscipline of Beijing; 2 national bases of continuing medical education; 2third-class discipline training bases of specialist physicians. Fuwai Hospitalhas qualified teaching facilities, including 77 doctoral supervisors, 89master's supervisors. Of them, there are “The National Prominent Teacher” Zaijia Chen, the “The PUMCFamous Teachers” Shengshou Hu and Dongfeng Gu, and more than ten “PUMC Prominent Teachers and Educators”who were excellent in both professional skills and moral integrity.
Emerging Talents
With the “inviting outstanding candidate” and “sendingpotential youth abroad” strategy, Fuwai Hospital has trained a large number ofmasters and experts, laying a solid foundation for the development andpersonnel cultivation of cardiology in China.
In the hospital: It has trained 5 academicians (Yingkai Wu is the academician of CAS; Yuqing Liu, Xiaodong Zhu, Runlin Gaoand Shengshou Hu are the academicians of CAE), 15 National andProvincial/Ministerial Level Experts with Outstanding Contribution, 54 expertsreceiving the special allowances from the government. In addition, there are 2 “Cheung Kong ScholarDistinguished Professors”, 3 experts funded by “China National Funds forDistinguished Young Scientists”, 5 candidates of the “New Century TalentsProject”, 3 candidates of the “National Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Thousand Talents Project”, 2 experts in the Innovation Talents Promotion Project of the Ministry of Scienceand Technology, 1 expert funded by Innovative Team Program of the Ministry ofScience and Technology, and 1 expert funded by Cheung Kong Scholar InnovativeTeam Program. In the past decade, it has recruited 12 outstanding academicleaders in the areas of cardiology, endocrinology, dyslipidemia,cardiopulmonary exercise testing, thrombotic diseases, individualizedtreatment, molecular diagnosis, vascular surgery, andhypertension, promoting the hospital to be a national medical center.
Out of the hospital: From 1970 to 2015, 60% ofdirectors of heart centers in China received training at Fuwai Hospital; Morethan 500 senior cardiovascular professionals from institutions all over thecountry have been trained in Fuwai Hospital. It has provided cardiac surgerydirectors for more than 40 heart centers. As a teaching hospital and thetraining base of Chinese Nursing Association and Beijing Nursing Association,Fuwai Hospital has undertook the responsibilities ofclinical teaching for Beijing Nursing School, as well as the Nursing Certificationof the Chinese Nursing Association and Beijing Nursing Association. Every year,it provides training for about 300 nurses from all over the country. Since theresumption of University Entrance Examination in 1977, the hospital has trained60 postdoctoral researchers, 903 doctoral candidates, 913 postgraduates, and14,734 continuing education students, providing a large number ofcardiovascular professionals for the country. In recent years, the hospital hasalso provided training for medical practitioners from Indonesia and Egypt. Thehospital will strengthen its cooperation with other countries in talentsexchange and training in the future, expanding China’s influence incardiovascular talents training.
Currently, the hospital has set up the “3+X” talentsprogram, planning to recruit and train specialized residents from all over thecountry and explore standardized training models.
Establishing the Cooperation Network of Cardiovascular Technology
Additionally, Fuwai Hospital has completed its mostinfluential work in the development of cardiovascular medicine in modern China,i.e., establishing the Cooperation Network of Cardiovascular Technology.Through this program, Fuwai Hospital built up a standardized and systematic management model. In 1982, theNational Cooperation Training Center for Cardiovascular Technology was set upunder the leadership of JiaqiangGuo. Since 2009, the hospital has strengthened the “training, helping,and guiding” for the primary health care institutions, setting up trainingcenters for cardiovascular diseases in collaboration with 66 hospitals from 24provinces (cities), including Beijing, Zhejiang, Sichuan, etc. These effortsformed a national network for technology cooperation and training, whichsignificantly improved the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseasesin China.
Since 2013, Fuwai Hospital has undertaken twoco-construction projects set up by the Health and Family Planning Commissionand the local province, i.e., the “Yunnan Project” and the “Henan Project”,furtherly expanding developing space and promoting the brand reputation of“Fuwai Hospital” in China. These projects also bring the best resources ofcardiovascular medicine to the local areas, and even the neighboring countries.
Reputation and Honors
Fuwai Hospital has been awarded: Double Top-10Hospitals for People’s Satisfaction of the Capital Health System,Model of Civilization Units of the Capital Health System,the title of National Civilized Youth, Model Employees’ House, the title ofnational “Pioneer Worker,” and has a number of national moral models fordedication, national model workers, the Bethune Medal, Outstanding Individualsin the “Creating advanced organization and striving to become an outstandingindividual” of the national medical and health system, Top Ten Health Guardiansin the Capital, Good Doctors of China, Star Teachers for the study of capitalcitizens, etc., all of which have earned a good reputation for the hospital. Inthe appraisal of hospital budget management carried out by the National Healthand Family Planning Commission, Fuwai Hospital has been the best among the 44hospitals for consecutive three years, which is highly appreciates for thescientific, standardized and accurate financial management of Fuwai.
Since1956, staffs at Fuwai Hospital, following the leadership of six generations ofdirectors, inherited the traditional discipline as “following the guidance ofthe Party and obey the rules,” as well as the “rigorous scholarship” spirit ofPUMCH. They have developed a spirit of science (being serious anddown-to-earth), innovation (welcoming challenges and difficulties) and teamwork(being cooperative). During every period, the hospital has accomplished itshistorical mission, which is remarkable innational medical and health care system., the hospital, by virtue of itsabundant techniques and talents, has gained remarkable achievements in medicalcare, scientific research, prevention, disease control, and talents cultivation,taken the top spots in many fields related to the cardiovascular diseasesprevention and treatment in China and across the world, promoted the developmentof cardiovascular healthcare in China, and earned high reputation worldwide.